l-Rafedain holdings is an Iraqi group that started its activities in 2008 under the management of Jalal Mohammad Hassan and developed its services in the cities of Basra and Erbil in Iraq and other countries including Iran, Syria and Turkey.
This holding was founded with the aim of investigating conditions for business development and investment in different countries. By identifying new market opportunities in Arab countries, this group is trying to provide companies and businesses with market insights to help them select the best target market all over the world.

The mission of Al-Rafedain Group is to conduct research and offer services in order to assess the voice of customers, review the market situation and provide effective solutions in export markets.
In line with its goals, Al-Rafedain holding established Shafaq Al-Rafidin Company with the aim of providing legal and registration services in Arabic countries. Also, the establishment of Nasr Al-Rafedain Company provided a suitable platform for creating all the logistics services required by exporters, so that in addition to creating executive advantages over traditional methods, all transportation and clearance operations from origin to destination can be done by one group. Rafi Al-Sanaa Company created market study services and marketing in target market destinations to accurately identify export markets.